Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Exam is o-v-e-r!!

I was thinking how good it is after exam... No more annoying subjects!! And now... The exam was finally over. Was quite happy with it. But it was totally boring after exam!!! Boring at home... Boring in school... It was quite wasting time going to school for the whole morning learn nothing, do nothing. Everyone was playing, talking, day-dreaming, reading novels and of course laughing crazily in the class!! Everyone talks about the coming holidays. Many are planning to go for the movie this holiday. So am I! xD Planning how to spend my holiday...? I've waited for the long holiday for so long. So I'm going to plan a wonderful holiday for myself. A plan with lots of fun!! Like playing badminton, reading my favourite novels, hang out with friends, going for a movie...! And it's a must before I leave Kuantan!! I think it would be a perfect holiday plan for myself!

iwei cares for u >.<