Went with Esther, Yii Wen, En Thong, Jen Yi, Liang Mei and Wee Kie. It was fun!!!
We took many pictures there...

Yii Wen sat at one of the bench in the ''pondok''. She then realize that there is a hole above her but not roof. (-_-lll hahaha... This is the picture we took at the ''pondok'' when it it still raining.
After a while, when it is not raining so heavily, we continue walking down.
Liang Mei and Yii Wen get a handkerchief to cover their head while Esther took her fan to cover her head.

Esther and me
Yii Wen and me
En Thong and me
Jen Yi and me
Liang Mei and me

And of course I took some pictures for my Geography Folio~

Among all the scenery, I like this the most^^
Hope to go to Bukit Pelindung with my friends again!!!
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