A short update.
To inform that I'm still alive AHAHAHAHA
Thursday was my first day to new school>>>
SMK Sri Sentosa<<< ------ >.<
Erm... In the beginning of the day was quite good. Students there are quite friendly. And teachers are "quite" nice. During the last period of the day, I was thinking: Erm... Today was really good. Nothing bad happen. Just after that, a prefect came in and whisper something to the teacher. The prefect then ask us to line up outside the class. We just do as what he said. I was thinking what happen then my friend told me they are having a spot check. I was starting to get nervous when I saw the prefect walking towards my seat as I'm new student, I don't know anythings that are not allow in the school. When the prefect was checking my bag, he took out 3 things: my highlighter, correction tape and my tissue paper. The prefect then called my name and and said:"Ini semua tak boleh bawa!!" And everyone was peering at me. So embarassing lol. After that my friend behind me told the prefect that I'm a new student. The prefect then give me
It wasn't a perfect day after all... =(
The next day before class started we have an assembly. The discipline teacher have a speech about yesterday's spot check. He show us the things that students bring. He told us reasons why students are not allow to bring tissue papers, correction tape, sweets, scissors, mirror and comb. He said that students will throw the tissue paper everywhere around the school. Then reasons for correction tape, sweets (tak boleh makan dalam sekolah ==), scissors (can kill people... "good reason" If really need scissors, bring kindergarten scissors LOL!!!), mirror and the worst is the comb!!! Students are only allow to bring black and orange colour comb!!! Is there any problem with other colours??? -________-
Ok, so I get a conclusion in 2 days time>>> Its a
weird school... <<<