Shiyi and Yingki tested on my response many times...
And they got the answer finally!
*silent for a few seconds...* 蛤?!!什么啊?!
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。!*whispering and laughing*
*blur* (-_-lll
Yes... They had this test on me many times. And I don't have any idea what they're actually laughing until Shiyi told me: "人家的反应慢半拍,你慢很多拍叻!!" LOL... I was like "huh?" again -_- Pity on me... *blur one*蛤?
*silent for a few seconds...* 蛤?!!什么啊?!
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。!*whispering and laughing*
*blur* (-_-lll

Moral class the teacher gave us revision as the exam which is around the corner. She gave us pantun to fill in the blanks lol... Ok ok... After copying the pantun, then she wanted to discuss the answer with us but she is scared that no one is willing to answer the question so she said :"Siape dapat jawab soalan saya, saya bagi merit 5." Actually no one is attracted to that also, so nobody answer her questions.
Then I think she mengamuk so the guys there simply answer her questions lorrr...
(and she was happy back -_-)
There was peace in the class until the teacher came to a question
"complete the blanks in the pantun."
Nobody know the answer so she gave clues
"s_____a (synonym for pergaduhan)"
Many answers came out from Andrew, Zhiyang, Puiyie and Melanie:
*even words that doesn't exists*
Then the teacher gave more clues
"s __ g ___ a (synonym for pergaduhan)"
Then more weird funny answers:
Then suddenly Andrew shouted:
The whole class was laughing again.

The thing that surprised me is that they can got the answer by saying all those words that doesn't exists and they really got the actual answer by guessing but don't know what they are saying.
Lol... So unexpected.
So finally, the answer is
We surrender.
The teacher is genius.
Then I think she mengamuk so the guys there simply answer her questions lorrr...
(and she was happy back -_-)
There was peace in the class until the teacher came to a question
"complete the blanks in the pantun."
Nobody know the answer so she gave clues
"s_____a (synonym for pergaduhan)"
Many answers came out from Andrew, Zhiyang, Puiyie and Melanie:
*even words that doesn't exists*
Then the teacher gave more clues
"s __ g ___ a (synonym for pergaduhan)"
Then more weird funny answers:
Then suddenly Andrew shouted:
The whole class was laughing again.

The thing that surprised me is that they can got the answer by saying all those words that doesn't exists and they really got the actual answer by guessing but don't know what they are saying.
Lol... So unexpected.
So finally, the answer is
We surrender.
The teacher is genius.
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