Friday, February 10, 2012

Hearts ;)

[ sorry but i'm kind of emo for the last few days, 
because of some silly stuff ]

Okay, gonna update sikit :D
Well I went for the movie "The Wedding Diary 结婚那件事" last tuesday. And it was awesomeeee, real awesome. No joke. Haha. So funny plus touching. At first laugh die me, at last cry die me. HAHA just kidding x) Strongly recommend this movie!! ;) Watch the trailer, and you'll definitely love it :D

*ah niu hen hao xiao lorrrr* haha :D

About school now, uhh six people from my class transferred school, keten and kahyan to connaught school, yishin to nexus, weiyu to bukit jalil *idk why -.- * and cheahzhibin to dono where ._. So many people transferred to other school!! And as you know, I blog about the new student from Klang, she's sitting next to me in class right now :) Thank God at least I'm not alone, because I really hate being lonely ;( She's a nice girl and she loves to sleep during lessons, HAHAHH. Same species wheeeee! But unfortunately lamhui has to sit alone in class as weiyu had transferred. She's sitting in front of me, so I try to talk to her all the time so that she won't feel so lonely. After keten and kahyan transferred, sometimes I feel like "eh where's keten and kahyan ah?", and then I realized the fact that they are not around now. Miss them so so muchhh!! I used to think that they are the noisiest girls in my life, non-stop talking, but now, it seems to be so quiet without them around. Luckily I can still meet them in tuition now. They're still my closest friends in KL. Love them to the max. Pray to God that they'll enjoy their new school and never forget me of course, hahah.

Life in school = sleep + eat + copy homework + sampat + laugh
Form 4 life, bullshit. *actually is tengsheng say one, hahah* And I agreed. Its alot harder, so much different than what we used to learn during Form 3. And now, whenever I think back to Form 3, Form 3 is actually a honeymoon year compare to Form 4. Form 4 subjects like biology, chemistry and physics, its like extremely hard for me. I can't understand a thing. Sometimes its not like I want to study or not, but its like I want to study but I can't understand a thing from the book, that's really suffering x( so I have to attend alot of tuitions out there. The new student, junping, said that we students actually rely too much on tuition. Perhaps its true...?

There's this issue happened in the school last month, which is the issue on students posted something bad about the school in facebook, and there's some sampats go and report to the school. So the two poor girls got caught and they were forced to apologize publicly during the school assembly. It was kind of unfair, because I thought we people have our rights to speak freely in this country? Its actually our rights to speak up our own opinion, whether its something good or bad about the school. Before this thing happen, I've complain to daddy about our school toilet. Guess what? The girls' toilet door don't have a proper lock, you can only close the door, but cannot lock!! If someone accidentally push the door when you're doing your "business" inside, then you can actually imagine what will happen next -.- I told this to daddy, and he said, "one day if you have the chance to bring your hand phone to school, go and capture a picture of the toilet door, and put it in the net." Just few days after what daddy said, then this so-called "mencemarkan nama sekolah" thing happen. Well for sure I sampat-ly told daddy about this, daddy talked alot about it, and finally he ended this topic with this sentence "去炸掉你学校厕所吧!" HAHAHAHAHA!! I asked him to attend the PIBG annual meeting this year, and voice up about the school toilet, he said he'll consider about it :D wheeeee~

Btw, our school is having the cross-country activity tomorrow. Ohh please, its saturday, who wants to goooooo -.- And still, there's this gotong-royong activity before the race. Please lahhhh, my house also haven't gotong-royong leh :P HAHA. So tomorrow, I plan to do all the homework at home :D haha hardworking leh x) And in the afternoon, I'll have to go to LBB centre to teach :)

loves, iwei.