I went back to Kuantan on Saturday at 5am in the morning. It was a last-minute decision, so I didn't tell anybody, except "someone" *haha*. And I wasn't going back to meet my awesome Kuantanites, but to accompany my mum there. She was in Kuantan since last week, we miss her, she miss us. Haha. So as there's one day holiday for us, and mummy is not working for two days, so we go back accompany her lo.
Saturday. When we reach so early, mummy was so surprise. She thought we'll be late. Haha. Umm, and we have dinner with Uncle Hiew, Aunty Hiew and Daniel at night. Ok la, nothing much bout Saturday ;)
Sunday. Mummy is not working, Labour Day mah. So we have breakfast two times, then mummy and we three girls went ecm shopping, daddy watch movie lor ;D after that, we go for lunch, then go back home sleep. Hahaha. Ok, I mean take a nap la. So tired mah. Then at night we go and try the new japanese restaurant near Old Town. Wah, nice eh. Hehe. After dinner, supper again. See, I have five meals in a day! Great satisfaction! ;D
Monday. Wake up early for curry noodles at the beach. Walao, I miss Kuantan TC curry noodles so much! The best one I think. Hahaha. After that, we started to pack stuffs, going back KL earlier cause daddy have appointment in the afternoon. Bye mummy, stay happy there, I love you ;D
miss u alot <3

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