ended yesterday. The last paper was chinese. Objective was hard, subjective still able to manage. The objective paper was the most difficult paper I've ever done. And I usually use half an hour for chinese objective paper, but then, I used up all the time given for that paper yesterday. First time in my life. Imagine how hard it is to me x( God bless me.
Well, pmr is over, just wait for the results, no more exam stuff ok. And sure, I'll throw away all the pmr books! :) The books can be as tall as me if I stack them up. Alright, life after pmr. Tonnes of things to do :D Textbooks have to be returned by today, so I went to school with all the books. Freaking
heavy! Need to carry all the books to the third floor and carry them to the hall again. As if we students have nothing better to do -.-! Then we (Kahyan, Lamhui, Keten, Weiyu, Yishin, Khaijing) just sit in the hall, waiting class by class to return the books. When its our turn, we carry the books to the third floor again, and the worst part is, the teacher told us that we still have to wait for about 5 classes to return the books. They're queuing up behind there.
wtf. So heavy plus so
hot! Finally, I've return all the textbooks now. After that, we plan to ponteng out to snowflake, as we saw a group of students walk out from the school without the guard stopping them. So we thought that it will be easy, but then when we're walking towards the school gate, we saw yokechooi, petrina and kityng standing there. We ask them if they are planning to ponteng like us, they said the teachers are hiding behind the guard house, to see who is planning to go out of the school. So our plan A
failed. We can't do anything, and we just sit at dewan blok G see when the teachers walk away, then we can ponteng. Waited for so long. Then we thought of plan B! :D As our school field is building the 10-floor classroom, so the construction site is prohibited. We knew that there is one gate which can go into the construction site from the hall, and another gate to get out from there (school compound) without passing through the school gate so that the teachers won't realize us walking out from the school. Okay, its something like this:

HAHAHA. Hope you know what I'm crapping :) Umm only me, Kahyan, Keten and Weiyu ponteng. Yishin and Khaijing suddenly go back to blok G, I don't know why. And Lamhui was afraid that if she met his dad outside the school, so she didn't follow us. We just ran out from the school and laugh like mad. Plan B works! :D We walked to snowflake and realize the shop haven't open, so we walked to moon house dessert, closed too. At last we stopped at jojo pan min. Ate some snacks there. After eating we walked around the area there, see if any boutiques or whatever shop have any vacancy for part time workers. We're planning to go for part time work during the holidays! Well, for me, I've asked my sister to help me to ask whether the place she works part time needs any teachers or not. Cause my sis is working in a kids tution centre. Umm kids like 3 to 12 years old :D Hiah hiah, I'll be
teaching soon! Communicating with
cute kids huh? x) excited! :D ok, don't be over excited. People also haven't say they want me to work. Hahah *syok sendiri* Will blog about it soon :) Till here today, bye peeps! :D
iwei ai ni ;)
dear you, i hope you're not joking.
are you? :')