*craving for food*
WOAHHHHHH. Just realized that form four life sucks. I went to register for tuition classes yesterday and started two classes right after that. Had physics and chemistry. Physics, totally blank. I gave the teacher a blur face, and he asked me "you understand what I just said?", I shook my head. Hahaha. Luckily he's quite a nice teacher, and he explained all over again. Hahaha. Chemistry was quite ok, umm I mean up to what I learned yesterday. The teacher explained quite well. So I'll have tuition classes from Monday to Thursday, damn. My form 4 life is too packed with studies! D;
Well many things to
(complain) talk about school. My maths teacher came into the class yesterday and I wonder if he knows how to teach. He's the worst maths teacher I've seen. He copies all those crap notes for us on the whiteboard and instead of explaining to us, he read what he copied! d-u-h!! You thought we don't know how to read mehhh? Besides, I had chemistry lesson in school today. The teacher talking non-stop in front, and I had totally no idea what she's talking about. All those scientific chemical names keep on coming out from her mouth. Its like she's talking some language I can't understand. And so I accidentally fell asleep in the class. Luckily she said she's not teaching us next week, another teacher will replace her. Thank God. Hope the new teacher can teach better.
The best thing about today is, its saturday tomorrow!! No-school-day! Wheeeeee :D
*lack of sleep* bye! ;)
♥ iwei ♥
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